is lucky to have the support and sponsorship of the following individuals and/or companies. Please take the time to look at their site and familiarise yourself with the services they provide
Blacknight have been generous sponsors of, providing servers, bandwidth and hosting not to mention regularly sharing their technical expertise through our mailing list.
Google have been excellent hosts for many of our meetings in addition to providing support both financial and otherwise. They also employ quite a few of our members!
ESET Ireland is our newest gold level sponsor providing financial support to the Guild.
Note: The sponsorship program is under development and this page is subject to change.
We are grateful to the following organisations for kindly providing us with venues for our monthly metings:
The Guild has VoIP telephony services kindly provided by: is kindly hosted on dedicated hardware provided by:
The Guild would also like to acknowledge the support of members who have provided us with a financial and/or "financial-equivalent" donations